
Joel | Follow the Idiot - Part 76

Otis Redding

Posted on by Joel in Idiotic Musings, MedTrekking, PR, Style, Travel, USA, Weather, Where is the idiot | Leave a comment

Sitting on the dock of the bay at dawn in Sausalito, CA, after a day promoting The Idiot and the Odyssey book trilogy in San Francisco.

San Francisco

Posted on by Joel in Idiotic Musings, Mediterranean Pix, MedTrekking, Style, Travel, USA, Where is the idiot | Leave a comment

In San Francisco for a radio interview with Open Air’s Peter Robinson (KALW/NPR, 1 pm) before tonight’s The Idiot and the Odyssey presentation at the Sausalito Library (7 pm).

Flower Power

Posted on by Joel in Idiotic Musings, Mediterranean Pix, MedTrekking, PR, Style, Travel, USA, Weather, Where is the idiot | Leave a comment

Insuring that his 99.6-year-old mother has a bouquet of colorful flowers before he heads from Redding, CA, to two literary gigs in San Francisco.

What Will The Idiot Reveal In Sausalito This Week?

Posted on by Joel in Cyprus, Egypt, Featured, Follow The Idiot, Food, Greece, Idiotic Musings, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Mediterranean Pix, MedTrekking, PR, Style, Tunisia, Turkey, Weather | Leave a comment

The Idiot, following an early afternoon interview with KALW radio in San Francisco, will display over 175 photographs illustrating his 20-year-walk around the Mediterranean Sea at the Sausalito (CA) Library on Thursday, June 6, at 7 pm. The slideshow will serve as a backdrop to his discussion of the genesis, evolution and execution of his peripatetic midlife project and the trilogy of The Idiot and the Odyssey travel narratives he wrote about it.

App Babysitter

Posted on by Joel in Idiotic Musings, PR, Style, USA, Where is the idiot | Leave a comment

Awaiting his first review and rating after getting a night job by putting his resumé on a babysitting app.

House Blessing

Posted on by Joel in Idiotic Musings, Style, Travel, USA, Weather, Where is the idiot | Leave a comment

Attending a house blessing ceremony in Northern California performed by Reverend Helen Cummings from the Redding Zen Buddhist Priory.