
Joel | Follow the Idiot - Part 94


Posted on by Joel in Idiotic Musings, Rehab, Style, USA, Where is the idiot | 1 Comment

Zoned out during a Reiki Flow energy healing session that involves “laying on hands” in Redding, California.

Valentine Brew

Posted on by Joel in Idiotic Musings, PR, Rehab, Style, USA, Weather, Where is the idiot | Leave a comment

Kicking off Valentine’s Day celebrations with a freshly ground brew of joe(l) in a new heart-decorated cup.

White Valentine

Posted on by Joel in Idiotic Musings, PR, Style, USA, Weather, Where is the idiot | Leave a comment

Opening his Valentine presents a day early to take advantage of a rare snow in Redding, California, and have a White Valentine’s Day.

What Does The Idiot Do When His 99-Year-Old Mother Calls Him A Slacker?

Posted on by Joel in Featured, Follow The Idiot, Food, Idiotic Musings, PR, Style, USA, Weather | 2 Comments

How does The Idiot react when his 99-year-old mother contends, now that he’s completed his 20-year walk around the Mediterranean Sea and published the third book in The Idiot and the Odyssey trilogy, that he’s become “a ne’er-do-well, layabout slacker?”

Mid-Century Remodel

Posted on by Joel in Idiotic Musings, Style, USA, Weather, Where is the idiot | Leave a comment

Checking out a mid-century modern home remodel that is upping prices in The Idiot’s hood in Redding, California.

Grammy Bets

Posted on by Joel in Idiotic Musings, PR, Style, USA, Where is the idiot | Leave a comment

Watching his 99-year-old mother devour Sanders Sea Salt Caramels as they make bets on 32 contested categories at tonight’s Grammy Awards.