Buying bling (think a Ford GT and a small plane) from a high school friend and billionaire pharmaceutical magnate in Redding, CA, after seeing Ford v Ferrari.

The Idiot’s 100-year-old mother, a big Matt Damon fan, told her son that “life is short” and suggested he buy a Ford GT after they saw Ford v Ferrari. Fortunately The Idiot found one for sale the next day by a friend in Redding, CA.

Immediately falling in love with a small plane once his 100-year-old mother insisted that “life is short, spend it now” after they saw Ford v Ferrari in Redding, CA.

California billionaire Ron Lim makes a deal to sell his Ford GT and small plane to The Idiot in Redding, CA. “I did it as a favor for The Idiot’s 100-year-old mother,” the billionaire told the media during a press conference. “She told me it could be her last wish and it was time for her Idiot son to have some fun.”