Baby Gaga, The Idiot’s 4.55-year-old granddaughter, and Baby Gogo, The Idiot’s 1.92-year-old grandson, became the youngest siblings to be admitted to Stanford University when the school sent out letters of admission this week.
Here’s what they did on their first morning on the campus in Palo Alto, CA.

Baby Gaga, The Idiot’s 4.55-year-old granddaughter, and Baby Gogo, The Idiot’s 1.92-year-old grandson, arrived at the Stanford University campus at sunrise. They are the youngest siblings to be admitted to the prestigious school.

Auguste Rodin’s “The Burghers of Calais” were the first professors that Baby Gaga and Baby Gogo met on the campus of Stanford University.

Baby Gaga and Baby Gogo were not quite left to fend for themselves on their first day at Stanford University.

Baby Gogo and Baby Gaga visited Memorial Church on the Stanford University campus.

Here’s what the ceiling of Memorial Church looked like to Baby Gaga and Baby Gogo.

Baby Gogo interpreted the images on a stain glass window at Stanford’s Memorial Church for his father.

Baby Gaga was enchanted by the wide array of fountains on the Stanford University campus.

A contemporary fountain on Stanford’s campus.

Baby Gogo was enchanted by the wide array of fountains on the Stanford University campus.

Baby Gaga interpreted the meaning of The Claw, an iconic fountain on the Stanford University campus, for her father.

Baby Gaga and Baby Gogo joined their Idiot grandfather for a tour of a museum on the Stanford campus.

Baby Gaga and Baby Gogo took the new Covid Soundwalk at Stanford University.

Baby Gaga ate a plate of vegetables and wore a “Follow The Idiot” nightshirt following her first swimming practice at Stanford University.

Baby Gogo got a contemporary haircut on his first day at Stanford University.

Baby Gaga woke up wide-eyed and ready for action on her second day at Stanford Univeristy.