The Idiot enjoyed the last days of sun-splashed summer and first day of leaf-falling autumn in Paris by fetching his grandchildren at school, continuing his 600-kilometer hike around the city, wandering through local parks, watching World Cup rugby games, swimming in the rain and celebrating family birthdays.

One of the last days of summer in Luxembourg Gardens in Paris.

One of the last days of summer in the Jardin des Plantes in Paris.

The Idiot salutes his daughter Sonia on her 41st birthday at Le Train Bleu in the Gare de Lyon when she arrives from her home in Antibes. (Photo: Sonia Stratte-McClure)

The Idiot picks up Baby Gaga, his granddaughter who just turned six, at her school in Montmartre.

Baby Gaga, who celebrated her sixth birthday on September 21, walks home from school on the last day of summer.

The Idiot picks up Baby Gogo, his 3.48-year old grandson, at his school in Montmartre.

The Idiot takes Baby Gogo, his 3.48-year-old grandson, up the funicular in Montmartre after school on the last day of summer.

The Idiot admires fallen leaves in Luxembourg Gardens in Paris.

The Idiot admires a leaves cleanup behind the Cluny Museum in Paris.

The Idiot’s son Luke walks through leaves as they continue the 600-kilometer walk on the Grand Randonée 1 hiking path around Paris during the last week of summer.

The Idiot and his son hike past one of the most attractive 13th century churches in France in Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières during the 600-kilometer walk on the Grand Randonée 1 hiking path around Paris during the last week of summer.

The Idiot and his son visit one of the most attractive 13th century churches in France in Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières during the 600-kilometer walk on the Grand Randonée 1 hiking path around Paris.

The Idiot insists on stopping at a naturist/nudist village with wi-fi near Saint-Cheron during his 600-kilometer walk on the Grand Randonée 1 hiking path around Paris during the last week of summer. (Photo: Luke Stratte-McClure)

The Idiot is avidly following the Rugby World Cup going on in France until the end of October.

Baby Gaga, who just turned six, with her aunt Sonia, who just turned 41, on the penultimate day of summer.

Baby Gaga enjoys opening literary presents on her sixth birthday in Paris (she was born in Pasadena, CA).

The Idiot plays in the park with Baby Gogo, his 3.48-year-old grandson, on the last day of summer.

The Idiot with Baby Gaga, his daughter Sonia and Baby Gogo in Paris at summer sunset on Baby Gaga’s sixth birthday.
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