The Idiot’s mother, who will be 101-years-old on Saturday (Oct. 24), is usually entertained with a big family birthday bash featuring a band, dancing, drinking, speeches and relatives coming to Northern California from throughout the world.
Not this year when only local masked family members will individually trickle into her home to pay their socially distanced respects and others will content themselves with singing Happy Birthday on FaceTime or Zoom.
Fortunately The Idiot has a catalogue of photographs from the past to remind everyone of birthdays and days of yore.

The idiot’s mother Helen in 1944 and 2014.

The Idiot’s mother began getting monthly flower deliveries from her children in 2012.

The Idiot’s mother got a new driver’s license, and passed the eye exam with no glasses, in 2013.

The Idiot’s mother holding forth at an apolitical tea party in 2014. (Photo: Trudi Pratt)

The Idiot’s mother gets $95 from her friend Pat Lee on her 95th birthday in 2014.

The Idiot’s mother is interrupted at her computer in 2015 by her monthly flower delivery.

The Idiot “modernizes” his mother’s hair in 2016. (Photo: Kellee Kaye Harrison)

The idiot’s mother reads a book he published in 2016.

The Idiot’s mother gets a new passport to travel to Paris and Venice.

The Idiot double dates with his mother and her friend Patricia Stubblefield in 2017.

The Idiot’s mother celebrates her 99th birthday in October 2018.

The Idiot’s mother at one her numerous 100th birthday celebrations in October 2019.

The Idiot’s mother still works out with her personal trainer Marie Rotondo (pre-pandemic photo).

The Idiot’s mother tells her oldest son whom he should vote for in October 2020. He ignores her.

Most of the people in this photograph at Mom/Grandma/GreatGrandma/Helen’s 99th birthday would not be here if it weren’t for the lady in the big chair.