As noted in last week’s “T Party” item “all of my baseball caps also have something written on them. This isn’t just because of my fastidious sense of fashion but also because it “announces” me – assisted by my brightly colored shorts – as a definite foreigner, which I think is to my benefit.”
Here is a sampling of caps I’ve been seen with on the MedTrek.

A Cannes Film Festival “American Pavilion” cap in Cinqueterre, Italy.

A branded “The Idiot and the Odyssey II” cap in Turkey.

My cap from the Chalkidiki Peninsula in northern Greece.

A “14th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards” cap in the Peleponnese.

A “SF” Giants cap on my son Luke in Morocco.

“Camp” on the Stromboli volcano.

“Follow The Idiot.”

“B” is for “Boston.”

Capping Mount Etna.

Idiotic caps.

Rear view in Italy.