Scores of intriguing Idiot-ic characters have cameo or critical roles in The Idiot and the Odyssey II: Myth, Madness and Magic on the Mediterranean.
These range from gods, goddesses and gurus to an Academy Award winner, academics, archeologists and Armenian tourists.

Running into serene Athena in Italy.

A former guru.

Academy Award winner Walter Lassally.

Archeologist Sandy MacGillivray.

Armenian tourists.
There are also a slew of minor roles that involve everyone from a salamander, a sorceress and a Turkish barber to a cook, some swimmers and many monks.

Sexy salamander on Mt. Olympus.

A cook on Easter in Crete.

Some swimmers…

…and many monks.
Many people I’ve known for a while, including my mother who is mentioned in the “Homeward Bound” chapter, also make it into The Idiot II.

Blogger Trudi Pratt.
In fact, read the book carefully and you might even find your name and/or photograph.