Although The Idiot usually hikes on the Sacramento River Trail in Northern California alone or with a few friends, his “best” hike during the first rainy week of spring was with a few hundred other participants in the Redding “March For Our Lives” on March 24.
The early evening chilly March march, which featured local teen speakers with simple messages aimed at stopping gun-related incidents at schools, gave the hike a touch of class and a healthy community feeling. After all, the Redding march across the Sacramento River was one of more than 800 nationwide protests galvanized by last month’s fatal school shooting in Florida.
And walking in the dark with an umbrella and a candle always makes The Idiot a little bit giddy.
Here’s what you missed:

“We are just kids” gather before the Redding March For Our Lives across the Sacramento River on March 24.

Student speakers encouraged March For Our Lives participants to register to vote.

Listening intently to “We are just kids” speakers at the Redding March For Our Lives.

A marcher’s message: Books Not Bullets.

The media is the message.

Marchers messages: “Save Our Kids” and “Protect Children Not Guns.”

A marcher’s message: “School Zones Not War Zones.”

A marcher’s message.

On the march.

On the march.

March For Our Lives crosses the Sacramento River in Redding, CA.

Redding March For Our Lives message.

Marchers’ messages.