Are you worried that your bathtub will overflow while you’re sitting on the john?
Is your grandmother concerned that your computer data and screens will be wiped out by communists or cybergremlins?
Do you think terrorists are on the verge of destroying the Internet?
Then forget the cutting-edge, interactive and entertaining online eBook version of The Idiot and the Odyssey II: Myth, Madness and Magic on the Mediterranean and buy a just-released old school printed edition of the book.
You can purchase a copy of the 460-page paperback (sans photos and maps), and even get a ten percent discount, on @, pay full price @

The just-published paperback edition.
The Internet-and-computer dependent interactive edition — complete with two hundred color photographs, seductive digital maps and scores of informative links — is still available on iBooks, Kindle and other platforms @
But the printed word lasts if you’re worrying about bathroom floods, cybercrime or the destruction of the world.

Signing copies of The Idiot II in Santa Rosa, CA.
Photos: Liz Chapin