Having a last coffee in Biarritz, France, before TGVing it to Paris to continue promoting The Idiot and the Odyssey trio of travel narratives. Read more
The Idiot has been advised to put his return to the MedTrek in Egypt on hold due to a diagnosis of “severe spinal canal stenosis” that hampers his ability to enjoyably hike over 30 kilometers a day. But although he’s sidelined until November, he’s got a new project to keep him busy. Read more
The Idiot, who planned to fly to Cairo today, was persuaded to postpone his MedTrek from Gaza across the Sinai Peninsula to Alexandria, Egypt, due to a medical/MRI diagnosis of “severe central spinal stenosis.” The nerve-compressing affliction painfully impacted his hamstrings and led to an oft-excruciating walk from Syria down the coasts of Lebanon and Israel last autumn. Read more
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