Hanging out at the labyrinthian Garden of Slow Time on the campus of Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Read more
What did The Idiot do on the 244th anniversary of independence in the United States?
Forget parades, family picnics, barbecues, baseball games and other usual holiday frivolity. The Idiot, ever mindful of the ravages of the poetically named coronavirus pandemic, kept it simple, sane and serene in northern California.
The Idiot tranquilly meditated at dawn on his suspended deck in Redding, California.
The Idiot could see an American flag flying across the Sacramento River from his home in Redding, CA.
The Idiot ran into challenging terrain after walking 17,760 steps on his daily pandemic hike.
The Idiot dropped into a friend’s during his 10-mile Independence Day walk to chat about everything except the state of the nation.
The Idiot called his binational daughter (left), who is 75 percent American, in Antibes, France.
The Idiot called Baby Gogo, his two-month-old multinational grandson who is about 37.5 percent American (add British, French and Scottish influences), in Los Angeles.
The Idiot, wearing a T with Andy Warhol’s depiction of Queen Elizabeth, had lunch with a masked friend (Kevin Devine) in front of an American flag fountain.
The Idiot insured that his 100.7-year-old mother, who is 100% American, had an appropriate bouquet of flowers on Independence Day.
The Idiot and his 100,7-year-old mother critiqued the film version of “Hamilton.”
The Idiot thoroughly enjoyed the rise of the full moon at 9:44 p.m. before the 10 p.m. fireworks.
The Idiot meditatively observed the Independence Day fireworks from his suspended deck in Redding, CA.
Frustrated because you can’t travel?
The Idiot, after spending four months within the Redding (CA) city limits due to the pandemic, spent his 72nd summer solstice with his new grandson, Baby Gogo (born May 3), his 2.75-year-old granddaughter Baby Gaga and their parents Luke and Sam in Morro Bay on the Pacific Ocean just south of Big Sur.
Here are some of the things they did on the longest day of 2020. Read more
This morning The Idiot, who has been walking solo 7-14 miles a day in Northern California since the Ides of March to cope with the pandemic lockdown, wondered where he was MedTrekking a decade ago. Check out these intentionally caption-less photos from May and June 2010 to see if you can guess where he was on his 20-year hike around the Mediterranean Sea. Read more
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