Delighted to see Baby Gaga, his 1.83-year-old granddaughter, pretending to amuse herself on the French Riviera. Read more
I was thoroughly enamored a year ago when I cruised under the world’s longest multi-span cable-stayed bridge that links the Peloponnese with mainland Greece. In fact, I interrupted a group reading of “The Odyssey” by passengers aboard the Corinthian II to rush to the top deck to admire the stunning 2.9-kilometer Read more
Like almost everyone else getting advice from the Oracle at Delphi on Sunday, I couldn’t resist marveling at the renowned bronze statue of the Charioteer of Delphi in the museum adjacent to the stunning mountainside archeological site.
But I think that I Read more
I promised the gods when I was on top of Mount Olympus that I would learn both ancient and modern Greek before I consulted the famous Oracle at Delphi for some tips about where to go next on my walking adventure around the Mediterranean Sea.
But all I could mutter during yesterday’s Read more
Like many captivated readers of “The Idiot and the Odyssey: Walking the Mediterranean,” I was inspired by the adventure travel narrative to embark on my own midlife project involving a “sea change” and with it a new career direction.
This personal life-altering experience began when I finished the book and joined author Read more
Spending the afternoon amidst the 17,000 art works in the New York Metropolitan Museum’s comparatively new Hellenistic and Roman galleries to prepare for a meeting tomorrow with curator Sean Hemingway (Ernest’s grandson) and my upcoming MedTrek around The Peloponnese in Greece.
You can Follow The Idiot there beginning with my seance with Read more
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