Catching the rising morning sun in the YMCA pool after his 5 a.m. workout to prepare for two upcoming masters swimming meets. Read more
[caption id=”attachment_1198″ align=”aligncenter” width=”600″ caption=”Nomadic Tibetans arriving Read more
A story about the recent heat wave on Chinese TV was illustrated by shots of women in Beijing, Xi’An and other cities wearing hot pants and miniskirts to stay cool.
Indeed, contemporary Chinese women are as chic and hot/cool as their European counterparts when it comes to fashion. And young Chinese men Read more
….when I head there later today to “MedTrek” on the Great Wall, take the high-altitude train to Lhasa and climb around Tibet?
Because the following email, forwarded to me by a traveling companion, encouraged me to buy a bag of plastic chopsticks at the local Dollar Tree store. I’ll bet Odysseus would Read more
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