Listening to a Zen Buddhist’s amusingly edifying dharma talk about the importance of meditation and continuous practice.
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Yes, I spent two hours in Palermo today admiring the Norman Palace with its dazzling Palatine Chapel and Royal Apartments that are now the chamber of the Sicilian Parliament.
But what excited me, and most other visitors, almost as much as the exquisite mosaics and the frescoes depicting six of the Twelve Read more
How many shots do you think it took me to catch this pigeon alighting at the fountain (the circular bowl is crested with animals) in the cloisters of the Norman Cathedral in Monreale outside Palermo?
Six! Right, six takes.
It was much easier taking photographs of the 12th century mosaics inside the Church Read more
Look, I respect sacred places. I don’t like to disturb the deceased. And sometimes I obey signs that say “No Foto/No Film.”
But I couldn’t resist taking a shot of this “No Smoking” sign amid the 8,000 mummified cadavers in Palermo’s Capuchin Catacombs.
Is it a necessary warning? There were no dead people Read more
Think MedTrekking the coast of Northern Sicily is an easy walk in the sun on a sandy beach?
Think again.
Here are some shots of the landscape I encountered during my 84-kilometer hike between Cefalu and Palermo during the past two days.
Text and Photos: Joel Stratte-McClure
[caption id=”attachment_299″ align=”alignright” width=”600″ caption=”The “beach” at the Read more
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