I didn’t decide by myself to head to Crete, Greece’s largest island in the southern Aegean, to MedTrek for two months. First I went to pay tribute to, and get some guidance from, the iconic Oracle at Delphi. Circe Read more
What’s the reaction to "The Idiot and the Odyssey II: Myth, Madness, and Magic on the Mediterranean" e-book published in 2013? What thoughts do Idiot-ic fans and detractors have about The Idiot and his ongoing walk around the Mediterranean Read more
Why not fall in love with a good book in 2014? Get author and professional wanderer Joel Stratte-McClure's fully interactive and cutting edge e-book, "The Idiot and the Odyssey II: Myth, Madness, and Magic on the Read more
Loving the view of the Atlantic Ocean from his room in Biarritz, France, where he’s touting The Idiot and the Odyssey trilogy of travel narratives. Read more
Even The Idiot can figure out why Kiwi director Peter Jackson filmed “The Hobbit” and “LotR” trilogies in his native New Zealand, where specialist tours take visitors to every location where the movies were shot. Read more
The most exciting exploits during The Idiot’s seaside stroll from the Syria border down the coast of Lebanon to Israel in September included getting groped by his omnisexual bodyguard and being arrested by the country’s Internal Security Forces (ISF) for “spying.” Read more