Intrigued by the way readers of The Idiot and the Odyssey trilogy of travel narratives in Los Angeles approach change. Read more
Want to Follow The Idiot on an Odyssean New York stroll on Saturday, April 13?
Join an informal group of amicable urban ManTrekkers on a somewhat stressless 32-mile meditative march around Manhattan. Meet outside the iconic Bowling Green subway station in lower Manhattan at sunrise (6:22 am) for a slow takeoff.
If you’re Read more
A state-of-the-art eBook version of “The Idiot and the Odyssey II: Myth, Madness and Magic on the Mediterranean” will be published on Valentine’s Day 2013 and include nearly 200 photographs, interactive maps and a variety of hyperlinks. Readers will be able to hear The Sirens serenading The Idiot on the Amalfi Read more
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