The Idiot couldn’t resist a walk across San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge when he approached it before dawn’s early light.

The Idiot approached the Golden Gate Bridge on the San Francisco side just before sunrise.
By the time he walked 4,200 feet across the bridge’s main span and entered Marin County the sun had begun to rise. Here’s what sunrise looked like from various vantage points.

The sun begins to rise over San Francisco Bay.

Sunrise seen from the Marin County side of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Looking across the bay towards Berkeley after crossing the Golden Gate Bridge.

San Francisco Bay from above the Golden Gate Bridge in Marin County.

Looking towards the Golden Gate Bridge in Marin County.

Looking back at the Golden Gate Bridge in Marin County.

Smelling like lavender after a walk in the hills on the Marin County side of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Recalling the people he knew who ended their lives by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge.

Going under the Golden Gate Bridge.

Going “inside” the Golden Gate Bridge.

Distracted by a drone while attempting to shoot a selfie after walking across the Golden Gate Bridge.

Leaving the Golden Gate Bridge behind.

How The Idiot looked in Petaluma, where he attended a friend’s 70th birthday breakfast, after his walk across the Golden Gate Bridge.
(Photo: Tom Isaak)
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