The Idiot didn’t just walk on the banks and bridges of the Sacramento River to fight the grueling July heat wave in Northern California. He also went to the two largest lakes near Redding (CA) to cool down with some relaxing swims and enjoy traditional summer picnics.
The Idiot spent a day, and had a picnic lunch, on Whiskeytown Lake west of Redding.

Sunrise at Whiskeytown Lake west of Redding, California.

An Idiotless sunrise at Whiskeytown Lake west of Redding, California.
A few days later he spent an evening, and had a picnic dinner, at Shasta Dam north of Redding.

The Idiot at dusk on Shasta Lake north of Redding, California.

An Idiotless sunset on Shasta Lake north of Redding, California.
Although The Idiot had a simple bbq’d hamburger at his Whiskeytown Lake luncheon picnic, he enjoyed a set table and meal with all the trimmings during his picnic dinner at Shasta Dam.

Nothing beats a simple bbq’d burger during a hot afternoon at Whiskeytown Lake.

A dinner at Shasta Dam in mid-July required a finely set picnic table.

A picnic dinner at Shasta Dam in mid-July required a varied buffet.

The Idiot’s first plate at a picnic dinner at Shasta Dam in mid-July.
Views of nature and swimming holes are completely different at the two lakes.

Yellowjackets are trapped in the forests around Whiskeytown Lake west of Redding, CA.

The Idiot follows a path to a remote skinny-dipping swimming hole at Whiskeytown Lake.

Deer tranquilly roam amidst visitors at Shasta Dam north of Redding, CA.

The Idiot’s late-night skinny-dipping swimming hole at Shasta Lake was not far from the illuminated Shasta Dam.
Before heading west along the Trinity River to the Pacific Ocean to get out of the heat for two weeks, The Idiot took a morning stroll on the Sacramento River and hit a let’s-get-out-of-Reddding-during-the-heat-wave departure party at Armando’s Gallery in downtown Redding, CA.

Looking north as he walks across a bridge (that’s a sunrise shadow of a streetlamp) on the Sacramento River.

Getting into party mode to celebrate his departure from triple-digit Redding heat to cooler climes on the Pacific Ocean.
(Photo: Kevin Devine)

Enjoying his last July ice cream in Redding before heading to Trinidad on the Pacific Ocean.
(Photo: Liz Chapin)
Next week: The Idiot stays cool on the Trinity River and the Pacific Ocean.