The Idiot, like everyone else, had a great time in 2020.
Here are twelve randomly chosen “consequential” moments from the past year that he might not forget.

One “trophy” The Idiot received at a Polar Bear Plunge on January 1, 2020, was for being the oldest participant in the frigid water. Definitely an unforgettable first.

Wondering, before the pandemic and his 72nd birthday, if cupping therapy is really the fountain of youth that it’s cracked up to be.

Bonding with whales in Mexico during his last trip out of the United States before the pandemic hit.

Getting his last haircut before masking at his barber’s became de rigueur.

Enjoying an operational high just before the pandemic in March led to a postponement of elective surgeries.

Teaching his 100-year-old mother how much fun it is to wear a mask.

Making a rare pandemic outing to a masked protest in Redding, CA, in June.

Making his first trip outside the Redding, CA, city limits since the pandemic began to meet Baby Gogo, his six-week-old grandson. (Photo: Luke Stratte-McClure)

Violating social distancing regulations by taking Baby Gaga, his 2.78-year-old granddaughter, on her first three-mile hike near Big Sur, CA.

Staying in shape during the pandemic in Redding, CA, by taking 7-14-mile walks four days a week — and swimming the other three days. (Photo: Kevin Devine)

Quietly observing his mother’s 101st birthday in October and, so far, keeping her virus free.

Meeting, after testing and quarantining, his son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren in Palm Springs, CA, in mid-December, 2020. (Photo: Samantha Dunnachie)