The Idiot, who enjoys daily 10-mile hikes on the Pacific Ocean just before Labor Day, rarely sits down on these short walks. But there are numerous places to relax if you need to take a break.

Late summer is one of the best times of the year to hike on the Pacific Ocean at almost any time of day.

There are rarely crowds on Pacific Ocean beaches in Humboldt County just before Labor Day.

Most benches on the Pacific Ocean in Humboldt County, like this cliffside seat near Luffenholtz Beach, have a splendid view.

This bench looks south from Trinidad, CA.

These benches look north from Trinidad, California.

This bench has a view of bustling downtown Trinidad, CA (Pop: 357).

A typical bench in a forest along the Pacific Ocean.

A people-made bench above Houda Point Beach in Trinidad, CA.

A picnic table above the Pacific Ocean in Trinidad, CA.

A “bench” at the top of Strawberry Rock with a view of the Pacific Ocean.

The Idiot above the Pacific Ocean near Trinidad, CA.