The Idiot, who frolicked and gallivanted in rainy New York at the end of April, ran into scantily clad swimmers on Park Avenue while attending an alumni weekend at the Columbia School of Journalism.

Nine larger-than-life swimmers created by sculptor Carole Feuerman decorate Park Avenue from 34th Street to 38th Street in Manhattan until 2024.

Nine larger-than-life swimmers created by sculptor Carole Feuerman decorate Park Avenue from 34th Street to 38th Street in Manhattan until 2024.

The Idiot admired a sculpture of a clothed poet in Central Park while walking to Park Avenue.

Nine larger-than-life swimmers created by sculptor Carole Feuerman decorate Park Avenue from 34th Street to 38th Street in Manhattan until 2024.

The Idiot was in New York to get up to speed on trends and tendencies in journalism at an alumni weekend at the Columbia School of Journalism, which he attended in 1970-71.

Nine larger-than-life swimmers created by sculptor Carole Feuerman decorate Park Avenue from 34th Street to 38th Street in Manhattan until 2024.

The Idiot admired flowers at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral while walking to Park Avenue.

Nine larger-than-life swimmers created by sculptor Carole Feuerman decorate Park Avenue from 34th Street to 38th Street in Manhattan until 2024.

The Idiot tried to pose in a swimming suit while walking to Park Avenue but was told by police to put his clothes back on.

Nine larger-than-life swimmers created by sculptor Carole Feuerman decorate Park Avenue from 34th Street to 38th Street in Manhattan until 2024.

Nine larger-than-life swimmers created by sculptor Carole Feuerman decorate Park Avenue from 34th Street to 38th Street in Manhattan until 2024.

What is LPQ in Central Park? Le Pain Quotidien.

Nine larger-than-life swimmers created by sculptor Carole Feuerman decorate Park Avenue from 34th Street to 38th Street in Manhattan until 2024.

The Idiot walked back to his New York basecamp through Central Park where there were no swimmers anywhere.