The Idiot and the Odyssey III: Twenty Years Walking The Mediterranean, the last book in The Idiot’s trilogy about his twenty-year walk around the Mediterranean Sea, is scheduled for publication next July 31.
The first chapter of the book, entitled Why Am I Still Walking Around The Mediterranean Sea?, kicks off in New York where The Idiot and numerous friends walked 31.87-miles (51.29 kilometers) around Manhattan in April 2013.
The peripatetic action then moves to London and the south of France before The Idiot returns to Greece to again climb Mount Olympus, meet Alexander the Great and subsequently follow the Macedon king’s footsteps through northern Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt and Tunisia, where he is coronated as The Emperor of Carthage and ends his walk in October 2017.

The 31.87-mile circumnavigation of Manhattan begins at the Bowling Green Subway stop in lower Manhattan at sunrise, or 6:20 am, on April 13, 2013. The Idiot’s centenarian friend Elliott Thompson symbolically walked the first hundred steps to start the story told in The Idiot and the Odyssey III.
(Photo: Liz Chapin)

The Idiot and partner Liz Chapin on the East River during their day-long walk around Manhattan to kick off The Idiot and the Odyssey III in 2013.

Taking a break at Starbucks on 145th Street during a day-long walk around Manhattan in April 2013. The Idiot is wearing an iconic The Idiot and the Odyssey II T-shirt bought at his online boutique.

The Idiot and fellow walkers in front of the United Nations during the 32-mile walk around Manhattan to launch The Idiot and the Odyssey III in 2013.
(Photo: Ethan Gelber)

Ethan Gelber, who The Idiot met in 1998 when Ethan was biking around the Mediterranean Sea, joined the group at East 78th Street.

After his walk around Manhattan, The Idiot headed to see the curator of Greek and Roman art at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. He hoped that Seán Hemingway, Ernest’s grandson and the author of The Tomb of Alexander, may have a clue about where Alexander the Great is buried and help The Idiot find the location of the still-discovered tomb.
(Photo: Liz Chapin)

After his walk around Manhattan, The Idiot visited Grant’s Tomb just to be sure that Alexander the Great isn’t buried there. He’s not.
(Photo: Liz Chapin)

Enjoying a celebratory brunch with Robin and Elliott Thompson and Liz Chapin after completing the walk around Manhattan to launch The Idiot and the Odyssey III in 2013.