Idiot-ic followers are probably aware that The Idiot concluded his 20-year walk around the Mediterranean Sea when he was crowned The Emperor of Carthage in Tunisia last October.
So, don’t worry, he is NOT still walking around the Mediterranean Sea.
But “Why Am I Still Walking Around The Mediterranean Sea?” is the working title of the first chapter in The Idiot and The Odyssey III: Twenty Years Walking The Mediterranean which will be published in July with scores of interactive maps, audio and video links, and sexy photographs.

A possible cover photo for The Idiot and The Odyssey III: Twenty Years Walking The Mediterranean slated for publication this summer.
Readers might be surprised that much of the first chapter of “The Idiot and The Odyssey III: Twenty Years Walking The Mediterranean” doesn’t occur on the Mediterranean but rather in New York in April 2013 when The Idiot leads a walk around Manhattan and looks for Alexander the Great.
Remember that?

The 31.87-mile hike circumnavigation of the New York island begins at the Bowling Green Subway stop in lower Manhattan at sunrise, or 6:20 am on an April 13 (2013), when I show up wearing an The Idiot and the Odyssey II T-shirt that I bought at my online boutique.
My centenarian friend Elliott Thompson walks the first hundred steps with me to start The Idiot and the Odyssey III.

The Idiot and partner Liz Chapin approaching bridges on the East River.

Taking a break at Starbucks during the walk around Manhattan.

The Idiot and a few of the walkers that accompanied him on his stroll around Manhattan in April 2013.

After his walk around Manhattan, The Idiot visits Grant’s Tomb just to be sure that Alexander the Great isn’t buried there. He’s not.
New York wasn’t the only place The Idiot stopped on his way to Pella, Greece, to participate in the annual Alexander the Great Marathon in late April 2013. He also dropped into London and Nice, France, on the way.

The Idiot was looking for Alexander the Great at the British Museum in London before he resumed the MedTrek in Greece.

The Idiot was looking for Alexander the Great in Nice, France, before he resumed the MedTrek in Greece.
It took The Idiot almost five years before he completed the walk through Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel and Egypt to finally conclude his MedTrek at Carthage in Tunisia in October 2017.