William Shakespeare’s soothsayer might have urged Julius Caesar to “Beware the Ides of March” (and Caesar should have) but The Idiot has always enjoyed the 74th day in the Roman calendar. That’s because it’s between National Pi Day on 3/14, which is an important holiday for pi and pie lovers, and Saint Patrick’s Day on 3/17.
Here’s where he was, and what he was doing, to celebrate the Ides of March during the past decade.

The Ides of March 2011: Julius Caesar may have suffered the “most unkindest cut of all” on the Ides of March but The Idiot got a haircut in McKinleyville, California.

The Ides of March 2012: Celebrating author Martha Rose Shulman’s birthday in Los Angeles, CA.

The Ides of March 2013: Promoting “The Idiot and the Odyssey II” which was published in February.

The Ides of March 2014: Promoting “The Idiot and the Odyssey” growing series of travel narratives in Washington, DC.

The Ides of March 2015: Catching a flight in Guatemala.

The Ides of March 2016: Preparing for Saint Patrick’s Day in Redding, California.

The Ides of March 2017: MedTekking across northern Egypt with a bodyguard.

The Ides of March 2018: Making eye contact with Baby Gaga, his six-month-old granddaughter, in Los Angeles.

The Ides of March 2019: Feeding Baby Gaga, his 1.5-year-old granddaughter, lunch in Los Angeles.

The Ides of March 2020: Returning from a successful shopping trip as the pandemic lockdown gets underway.