Everything Idiot is so inexpensive during the holiday season that only fools would be reluctant to take advantage of the proffered hot deals, ridiculous offers and low prices.
Amazon.com is selling the trilogy of The Idiot and the Odyssey travel narratives — yup, all three of them — for almost nothing (and much less on Kindle) and Idiot-ic products are available at The Idiot’s Store for a pittance.
Seriously, don’t you want The Idiot and the Odyssey books in your library to read wearing a Follow the Idiot nightshirt while drinking something hot from a Walk It Off mug? Thought so.

You no longer have to walk to the Henry Miller Memorial Library in Big Sur to buy The Idiot and the Odyssey trilogy of travel narratives at a special price.

You no longer have to attend an Idiot book signing to purchase The Idiot and the Odyssey trilogy of travel narratives for a special low price.

The Idiot and the Odyssey trilogy is a great deal for the holidays due to ridiculously low prices on amazon.com.

You’d have to be an idiot not to take advantage of this deal: all three books in The Idiot and the Odyssey series for less that $46. Only an Idiot would refuse!

Amazon will fly the books through the air to you using drones that are much faster than Santa’s sleigh.
If you already have all three of The Idiot and the Odyssey books, then simply go to The Idiot’s Store where you’ll find all types of branded merchandise, ranging from Follow The Idiot thongs and nightshirts for women to gender-neutral caps, cups and calendars.

You’ll love the stares you get when you hike in a Follow the Idiot T. Get shirts, hats, coffee cups and other branded items for Christmas @ The Idiot’s Store.

You’ll look great, and spiritual, with a Walk It Off jersey from The Idiot’s Store.

Wouldn’t you like to sleep with The Idiot? Get a nightshirt and other apparel @ The Idiot’s Store.

Take a cap from The Idiot’s Store out to the ballgame.
And just think how happy members of your entourage will be to receive Idiotic books and gifts.

Kids love to learn everything they need to know about the Mediterranean Sea and Greek Gods by reading The Idiot and the Odyssey trilogy of travel narratives.

There are gifts to wear in any weather at The Idiot’s Store.

Adults love to laugh when reading copies of The Idiot and the Odyssey bought on amazon.com.
The Idiot and the Odyssey — Don’t leave 2019 without it.