The Idiot, for the first time in history, is giving YOU a FREE copy of his second book, The Idiot and the Odyssey II: Myth, Madness and Magic On The Mediterranean, to celebrate the end of his 20-year walk around the Mediterranean Sea.
Get it FREE on Kindle.
Now! And until Saturday, December 23.
And look forward to the third book in the trilogy, The Idiot and the Odyssey III: Twenty Years Walking The Mediterranean, scheduled for publication next July.

The Idiot and the Odyssey II: Myth, Madness and Magic on the Mediterranean was published in February 2013. This is the first time a free Kindle edition, complete with photographs, has been available.

The portion of the walk around the Mediterranean Sea described in The Idiot and the Odyssey II: Myth, Madness and Magic on the Mediterranean.

The interactive online layout of The Idiot and the Odyssey II was considered avant grade when the book was published five years ago.

The sorceress Circe gave The Idiot twelve tasks — ranging from a climb up Mount Olympus in Greece to a swim across the Hellespont in Turkey — to accomplish in The Idiot and the Odyssey II.

The online edition of The Idiot and the Odyssey II is full of intriguing photos.
To get you in the mood to read, here’s an appreciation of The Idiot and the Odyssey II written by author Lex Hames when the book was published in 2013.
“If you want to weave myth, magic, sharp-eyed travel writing and hilarious personal anecdote, you can’t do better than The Idiot and the Odyssey II by Joel Stratte-McClure.
This is an uncanny tale of walking around, yes, that’s walking around the Mediterranean, while sharing secrets with the locals, seeing the sights, visiting the great monuments, quoting Plato, exploring the cave of the Cyclops, and watching the gods and goddesses of Homer’s epic bubbling up from the ancient landscape and emerging from the blazing blue sea.
Stratte-McClure tromps with lovely, amazing aplomb along the coastlines of Italy, Greece and Turkey, and makes you feel, hear, see and touch it all. Time presents no barriers, he skips from amazing incident to amazing incident as easily as a butterfly changing flowers, and the only thing that matters is enchanting story and sizzling detail. You’ll zip back and forth from Agamemnon launching the ships to Troy to shopping for the best gelato in Ravello to spending a strange interlude in the Orthodox monkdom of Athos in northern Greece, where no women are allowed – and no female animals either (except cats).
You’ll get to know more about the versifying of Homer, the wild grottoes of Crete, the beauty of the Amalfi Coast, and how to convert a midlife crisis into a crazy adventure of hiking, pleasure and romance, than you ever thought was possible.
Where else can you meet an author who sleeps with Helen of Troy, finds the best trotteria in every town, and lives by the walking meditation philosophy of Deng Ming-Dao? And all of it presented, of course, in the zippiest, most modern, most cutting edge, most iPad-friendly travel book yet designed.
You’ll be so busy sliding back and forth from expanding maps to eye-popping photos to Stratte-McClure’s tasty, witty, riveting account of walking the Med, that you’ll forget you aren’t there. Or rather, you will be there, in this mind-bending amalgamation of quality writing, spot-on, sensual journalism, and stunning images of the many Mediterranean delights. If you don’t read (er, view, er, get interactive with) this amazing book you are denying yourself fun, wisdom, and insight. Get it now.” — Author Lex Hames on February 17, 2013

The Idiot with the iPad version of The Idiot and the Odyssey II.

The Idiot with the print version of The Idiot and the Odyssey II.

The Idiot promoting his second book while MedTrekking in Turkey to get material for The Idiot and the Odyssey III.

The Idiot on television promoting his second book.

The Idiot with the first two books in his The Idiot and the Odyssey trilogy during a promotional tour in Geneva, Switzerland. The third book — The Idiot and the Odyssey: Twenty Years Walking the Mediterranean — will appear next July.

A spokesman for The Idiot and the Odyssey II.