How Does The Idiot Cope With Mid-Winter Weather In Northern California?

The Idiot, who just returned to Northern California after swimming with whale sharks and sea lions in Mexico’s Sea of Cortez, didn’t have any trouble adapting to the mid-winter weather. It’s been warmer in Redding this month than it was in Baja, Mexico. And not a drop of rain.

Here are some of the things The Idiot saw, and some of the people he ran into, during a 12-mile late February stroll along the Sacramento River.

The Idiot hiked south on the Sacramento River after walking through downtown Redding, which is undergoing a major renovation.

The Idiot noticed hundreds of winter-blossoming trees during his 12-mile stroll.

The Idiot pointed out Mount Lassen to two masked tourists while crossing a bridge over the Sacramento River in downtown Redding, CA.

The Idiot pointed out a local sign that helped two masked tourists find their way around Redding, CA.

The Idiot took a break on the bench at the Oasis Mosaic Fountain at the McConnell Arboretum and Botanical Gardens.

The Idiot watched fishermen flock to the Sacramento River on a sunny Saturday afternoon in late February.

The Idiot discovered the reason that fishermen flocked to the Sacramento River on a sunny mid-winter afternoon.

The Idiot was hardly the only one at the Sundial Bridge, one of downtown Redding’s main tourist attractions.

The Idiot saw tourists posing for group shots on the Sundial Bridge in Redding, CA.

The Idiot observed a partially clothed woman and her pooch on an island in the Sacramento River near the Sundial Bridge.

The Idiot ran into his nephew Tryg, his nephew’s wife April, his one-year-old grand nephew Jaxon and their dog Stella at Mosaic, the restaurant at the Sheraton Hotel near the Sundial Bridge.

The Idiot lent Jaxon, his youngest grand nephew, his pink Boston Red Sox baseball cap. (Photo: Tryg Stratte)

The Idiot saw his relatives again when he dropped in on his 100.33-year-old mother to steal a large bottle of Perrier. (Photo: Tryg Stratte)

The Idiot was nearing the end of his 12-mile mid-winter hike when he saw high school friend Peter Beeman and randomly described the long-distance migrating and breeding habits of the gray whales he had met off Mexico when he launched his 200-year walk around the Pacific Ocean.




Posted on by Joel in Featured, Follow The Idiot, Food, Idiotic Musings, PR, Style, Travel, USA, Weather

About Joel

Joel Stratte-McClure has been a global trekker since the 1970s. He lived in France for over 30 years, working as a journalist, before he turned his attention to a unique life-time-project of walking the shores of the Mediterranean. The first 4,401 kilometers are explored in his inspirational and entertaining first book "The Idiot and the Odyssey: Walking the Mediterranean." The next 4,401 kilometers are covered in the gods-filled sequel, "The Idiot and the Odyssey II: Myth, Madness and Magic on the Mediterranean,” published on Valentine's Day 2013. The last 4,401 kilometers will be discussed in the last book of the trilogy currently entitled "The Idiot and the Odyssey III: Alexander the Great Walks the Mediterranean."

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