What Are Some Of The Idiot’s Cool Tips For Hiking In Hot Triple-Digit Temps?

The weather-sensitive Idiot, who took a 12.5-mile hike yesterday morning, has some commonsense advice about how to walk in the hideously hot end-of-summer weather in Redding, California. Take a look at the photos and read the captions before you dare to head outside.


Start a summer hike at the first sign of dawn’s early light. Don’t wait until sunrise!

Don’t get waylaid or distracted by the attractions, lights, restaurants and air conditioning when you stroll through bustling downtown Redding, CA, at 6 a.m.

Head directly for the Sundial Bridge and take advantage of the noticeably lower temperatures on trails along the Sacramento River.

Walk quickly (a little faster than three miles, or five kilometers, per hour) but don’t be in a hurry. Remember Aesop’s The Tortoise and the Hare fable? Stop and meditate with the turtles in the Turtle Bay Exploration Park for a minute.

Hesitate occasionally to admire the beauty of the river, and the river bridges, while walking upstream at dawn on the Sacramento River Trail.

Practice walking meditation and be so calm that you don’t frighten the deer crossing the Sacramento River Trail.

Imagine that you’ve stopped for fifteen minutes to have an ice cold drink on a shady bench without actually stopping for fifteen minutes to have an ice cold drink on a shady bench.

Don’t fuel your inner temperature by worrying about the fire-scarred landscape (from the Carr Fire in 2018) when you cross the Stress Ribbon Bridge. Instead tell yourself that nature will ultimately rebound. Chill!

Look mostly at the river, not the scorched landscape, when you head downstream on the Sacramento River Trail. You’ll feel cooler.

When it gets seriously hot, call it a day and take a siesta on one of the benches not destroyed by the devastating Carr Fire in 2018.

Posted on by Joel in Featured, Follow The Idiot, Idiotic Musings, Style, Travel, USA, Weather

About Joel

Joel Stratte-McClure has been a global trekker since the 1970s. He lived in France for over 30 years, working as a journalist, before he turned his attention to a unique life-time-project of walking the shores of the Mediterranean. The first 4,401 kilometers are explored in his inspirational and entertaining first book "The Idiot and the Odyssey: Walking the Mediterranean." The next 4,401 kilometers are covered in the gods-filled sequel, "The Idiot and the Odyssey II: Myth, Madness and Magic on the Mediterranean,” published on Valentine's Day 2013. The last 4,401 kilometers will be discussed in the last book of the trilogy currently entitled "The Idiot and the Odyssey III: Alexander the Great Walks the Mediterranean."

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