What Does An Idiotic Slideshow Reveal About Pre-Pandemic Social Behavior?

A slideshow that The Idiot is preparing for a post-pandemic sociology lecture reveals some of the “old normal” mannerisms he took for granted before social distancing, isolation and the ravages of the pandemic prohibited up close and personal contact throughout the world.

A young girl fearlessly approached The Idiot to get some tips about using an iPad in Datça, Turkey. (Photo: Liz Chapin)

A group of teenagers weren’t shy about gathering around The Idiot on Mount Olympus in Greece.

A high school senior jokingly posed with The Idiot after a lecture in Gainesville, Florida.

Australian swimmers greeted The Idiot before they swam across the Hellespont from Europe to Asia in Çanakkale, Turkey. (Photo: Des Baum)

The Idiot was welcomed into a Turkish bath in Istanbul.

The Idiot bought bread from a baker near Datça, Turkey. (Photo: Liz Chapin)

A group of Romanian nuns visiting Turkey talked to MedTrekker Liz Chapin in Patara, Turkey.

The Idiot hasn’t had a decent shave, like the frequent ones he had while MedTrekking in Turkey, for over two months.

The Idiot congenially breakfasted with a Turk in Antalya.

The Idiot shared a drink on a ferry from Bodrum, Turkey, to Kos, Greece.

To read about other facets of travel and contact in the distant past, pick up copies of The Idiot and the Odyssey trilogy of travel narratives.

Posted on by Joel in Featured, Follow The Idiot, Food, Idiotic Musings, MedTrekking, PR, Style, Travel, Turkey, USA

About Joel

Joel Stratte-McClure has been a global trekker since the 1970s. He lived in France for over 30 years, working as a journalist, before he turned his attention to a unique life-time-project of walking the shores of the Mediterranean. The first 4,401 kilometers are explored in his inspirational and entertaining first book "The Idiot and the Odyssey: Walking the Mediterranean." The next 4,401 kilometers are covered in the gods-filled sequel, "The Idiot and the Odyssey II: Myth, Madness and Magic on the Mediterranean,” published on Valentine's Day 2013. The last 4,401 kilometers will be discussed in the last book of the trilogy currently entitled "The Idiot and the Odyssey III: Alexander the Great Walks the Mediterranean."

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