What Does The Idiot Do When The Calendar Commands Him To “March Forth”?

The Idiot always gets excited by days and dates in March, including Daylight Savings Time (March 11), the Ides of March (March 15), Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17) and the Spring Equinox (March 20).

But the day and date that excites him most during Women’s History Month is the only one in our calendar that contains a firm command: March 4th or March Forth.

He especially honors people with March Forth birthdays and enjoys ordering a themed cake, choosing an inspiring venue and celebrating with friends and family.

The Idiot orders a birthday cake that shows a stick figure walking with the command “March Forth.”

The Idiot selects a venue with a view of the Sacramento River that will inspire birthday party attendees to March Forth.

Although The Idiot doesn’t play, he considers a golf course like the Riverview Country Club one possible place to March Forth.

The Idiot points to fly fishermen in the Sacramento River who have obeyed the command to March Forth and walk on water.

The Idiot enjoys a private function in a large  room above the Sacramento River and encourages attendees to March Forth around the table and play musical chairs. 
(Photo: Marc Beauchamp)

Letting birthday girl Liz Chapin eat her cake before she starts to March Forth.

The Idiot encourages his 98-year-old mother to March Forth with flowers like the old hippie that she is.

The Idiot inspires visitors from Petaluma and New York to March Forth to the top of a snow-covered summit near Redding, CA.
(Photo: Liz Chapin)

March Forth during  Women’s History Month to Daylight Savings Time (March 11), the Ides of March (March 15), Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17) and the Spring Equinox (March 20).

Posted on by Joel in Featured, Follow The Idiot, Food, Idiotic Musings, MedTrekking, PR, Style, Travel, USA, Weather

About Joel

Joel Stratte-McClure has been a global trekker since the 1970s. He lived in France for over 30 years, working as a journalist, before he turned his attention to a unique life-time-project of walking the shores of the Mediterranean. The first 4,401 kilometers are explored in his inspirational and entertaining first book "The Idiot and the Odyssey: Walking the Mediterranean." The next 4,401 kilometers are covered in the gods-filled sequel, "The Idiot and the Odyssey II: Myth, Madness and Magic on the Mediterranean,” published on Valentine's Day 2013. The last 4,401 kilometers will be discussed in the last book of the trilogy currently entitled "The Idiot and the Odyssey III: Alexander the Great Walks the Mediterranean."

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