Wondering how to get to the airport in Redding, California, at 5 a.m. when there are no Lyft or Uber drivers at work. Read more
Baby Gaga, The Idiot’s 3.36-year-old trilingual granddaughter, and Baby Gogo, The Idiot’s nine-month-old trinational grandson, fled Los Angeles and took their parents to the south of France in January to switch locales during the pandemic.
Here’s what they did to keep out of trouble on the French Riviera. Read more
The Idiot has become an avid follower of Liberty and Guardian, two bald eagles in Redding, California, who are preparing to start a new family. He checks on them during his daily hikes, avidly keeps up with them on a new, higher-tech webcam and is a member of the “Friends of the Redding Eagles” on Facebook. Read more
The Idiot, who spent twenty years walking around the Mediterranean Sea to produce his trilogy of The Idiot and the Odyssey travel narratives, spent his first night on the path in January 1998 at a Cistercian monastery on a Mediterranean island. A couple weeks later he was sleeping with lots of naked men, women and children at the world’s largest nudist colony in Cap d’Agde, France. Read more
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